





发布时间: 2022-10-13

编辑: 坤鹏教育





I . Phonetics(5 points)

Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A. cake

B. gas

C. bag

D. tax


2. A. tough

B. laugh

C. though

D. cough


3. A. pupil 

B. music

C. huge

D. lucky


4. A. gesture

B. mature

C. mixture

D. structure


5. A. leader

B. pleasure

C. leather

D. measure


II. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points)

Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four cholces marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6.一Did you find the film boring?

一Nol at all. It was________

A. terrific

B. bitter

C. horrible

D. miserable


7. By the time he retires, Carl____ president for I5 years at the university.

A. would be

B. will have been

C. will be

D. has been


8. The pipe in the kitchen is broken. We should have it____as soon as possible.

A. to be repaired

B. repaired

C. to repair

D. repairing


9. Every time I met her, she would show her coneem____ me and my family.

A. against

B. on

C. from

D, for


10. Mary demanded that he the books he borrowed from her a month ago.

A. returm

B. would return

C. returmed

D, had returned


11. We have to accept the faet _______there is a shortage of qualified teachers in the countryaide.

A. that

B. which

C. since

D. because


12. There are enough night schools in this eity. Adults can be educated no matter_____old they are.

A. how

B. what

C. when

D. where


13. Those_______are willing to help others are likely to be popular among people.

A. whose

B. which

C. who

D. what


14. Many young people have stopped_____ newspapers because they read the news online now.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. bought

D. buying


15. Susie's experience is unusual________she travelled 20 countries in only one month.

A. so that

B. except that

C. in that

D. such that


16. The company has 80 staff members________15 foreign experts.

A. not to count

B. not counted

C. having not counted

D. not counting


17. The young mother _______ ever gets a chance to study, except when the children have gone to bed.

A. hardly

B. almost

C. only

D. nearly


18.________the result of the exam, she stood at the door of the classroom , disappointed.

A. Knowing

B. To be known

C. Known

D, To know


19. Natural gas can serve as an______to coal and oil because it is more nvironmentally friendly.

A. option

B. extra 

C. addition

D. altermative


20. The librarian did some careful checking and found several books____from the shelf.

A. leaking

B. missing

C. losing

D. dropping


III. Cloze(30 points)

Directions:For each blank in the fllowin passage, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

As ehildren more towarls adulthood (成年) , they become allr, stronger, and more independent:At some point in adulhood,______21 . a slow decline begins. Their hair ofen______22 gray, their skin wnnkles, and their museles begin to _______23. Their short-term mermory may suffer, and they olten 24 part of their vision or hearing,

Scientists are not______25 sure what eauses the fteets of aging. The body might have a time________26 which would determine how long the cells can remain_______27. Depending on the type of animal and its environment, animals age I different rates and live

e_______28 _ dfferenet lenghs of time. An animal in a good 200 well_______29 and prolccted from predators (捕食者) - often lives longer than the same type in the wild.______30,people who live in rich countries generally live longer than_______31 in poor countries.

Several other factlors also_______32_ how long people live and the quality of their lives. One factor is genetis (遗传). In some families, it seems that many________33 have long lives. Cenetics may also detrmine whether people _______34 certain diseases. Another faclor is lfesyle. People who keep their minds________35 and often communicate with friends will fee younger and may live longer. People who keep a normal weight, exrcise, and do not smoke may also age more slowly.

21. A. moreover   B. besides   C. therefore   D. however


22. A. falls   B. turs   C. stays   D. seems   


23. A. grow   B. develop   C. shrink   D. fade


24. A. lose   B. harm   C. protect   D. improve


25. A. simply   B. exactly   C. purely   D. strictly


26. A. label   B. lack   C. link   D. limit


27. A. healthy   B. bright   C. stable   D. secure


28. A. with   B.on   C. in   D. for


29. A. clothed   B. trained   C. behaved   D. fed


30. A. Finally   B. Mostly    C. Conmonly   D. Similarly


31. A. those    B. that   C. others   D. some


32. A. judge   B. form   C. cause   D. affeet


33. A. friends   B. membens   C. races   D. names


34. A. take   B. make   C. get   D. cause


35. A. calm   B. clever   C. firm  D. active


IV. Reading Comprehension( 60 points)

Directions :There are five reading passages in thls part. Ench passage is followed by four questions.For each questlon there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Pain is an emotional as well as physical response to injury or disease. Intense fear and anxiety arevital immediate responses that eause you to avoid sources of pain whenever possible. Sometimes 。

however. pain persists even when the injury or disease is no longer present. A painful feeling canbecome associated with constant stress, bad memories, or lasting fear.

Medicine is often essential for contolling pain in the short term, but taking painkillers (止痛药)for an extended period ean lead to adiction (上瘾) or serious physical side fleets, ineluding stomach and liver diseases. Your bodly may also build up a tolerance to a dnug so that you get less benefit from it as time goes on.

Although you should always seek medical adlvice if pain is severe or continues for a long time, you ean also use teehniques to control it. Mind-body techniques ean reduce or help control pain- with no risk of side fleets. Most people relax with deep. controlled breathing to reduce the tension that comes with pain. Try lying quietly in a dark room; breathe in deeply while counting to 10, hold the breath for a moment, and then exhale slowly for a count of I0. Continue this for 10 - 20 minutes.

Shifting your altention often reduces pain's severity (严重程度). Try tuming your attention away from the painful area, focusing instead on a non-painful part of your body. Or, imagine the pain as a big ball of enengy outside your bodly, and make it smaller in your mind. Train yourself to replace the thoughts like“I can't stop this pain," with positive ones such as "This pain is only temporary.”

In this practice, you merely acknowledge the pain by aetively fighting it, instead of alowing it to .dominate your thoughts.

36. Which of the following is people' s natural response to pain?

A. They tend to feel worried and frightened.

B.They want to make sure it won't last long.

C. They prefer to forgel the bad memories.

D. They ltry to find out what may cause pain.


37. What ean be inferred about taking painillers from Paragraph 2?

A. It leads to addiction in a short period of time.

B. It builds up the tolerance to pain.

C. It becomes less ffective over time.

D. It cures stomach and liver diseases slowly.


38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word“exhale" in Paragraph 3?

A.To breathe oul.

B. To fall asleep.

C. To turm your body.

D.To get up.


39. What would be the best tile for the pssage?

A. How to Use Your Brain to Manage Pain?

B. What Is the Right Way to Shft Your Attention?

C. What Is the Correet Way to Take Medicines?

D. How to Eliminate Painillers' Side fleets?


Passage Two

Sweden is aiming for a zero-waste society. This takes the country's reeyeling revolution one step further-from putting rubbish in landills (废物填埋场), to reeyeling to reusing.

It is early momning. Before 31-year-old Daniel Silberstein goes to his ofice, he has separated out his empty cartons (纸箱) into the containers in the shared basement. It is just some of the two tons of rubbish he and his fellow Swedes recycle per person each year.

"The thing about reyling is that it' s quite aulomatic. I's baically a thing you

naturally do,"Silberstein says.

"A big pert of it is hinking about what kind of enironment our daugher is going to have in lhe future. 1 ama kid of the 1990% and not reyeling is kind of abnormal for us, but for my daughter's generation it will hopefully go even further. She already thinks it's fun to push the cartons int the reeyeling station when I take her there. ”

The main problem today is that many used products are hard to deal with. A new movement is gaining ground that seeks to ensure everything can be reused somehow. In 2017 the Swedish govemment reformed the tax system so that people could get cheaper repairs on used goods, and a Swedlish elothing company operates a reling projet where customers get a discouont upon handing in old clothes.

Meanwhile, scientists are working on finding new clohing materials that are less damaging t0 the environment.

For Daniel Silberstein and his daughter Charlie, the future begins at home.“Friends shouldn 't throw nubbish on the ground," Charlie says, and her dad agrees:“In the future we'll loo at the old style of reeyeling the way we look at fossil (化石) fuels and landfll sites today. It will all seem crazy.

40. What is the main reason for Silberstein to practice recyeling?

A. To protect the environment.

B. To save more money.

C. To obey the local rules.

D. To follow his fellows.


41. What is the main problem for Sweden to build a zero-waste society?

A. The younger generation does not like used goods.

B. Rbbih is ofen thrown on the gound.

C. May ued godo are dfc 10 hademc

D. The older generation is not used to recycling.


42. Which of the following is true about Sweden' s recyeling revolution?

A. The govemment encourages people to store used goods.

B. Scientists are funded in inventing new clothing malerials.

C. The kids must put the cartons into the recyeling station.

D. People may buy new clothes cheaper after returming old ones.


43. What is the writer' s altitude towards building a zero-waste society in Sweden?

A. Approving.

B. Disappointed.

C. Doubtful.

D. Critical. 


Passage Three

Welcome to Stratford-upon-Avon, home of the word's most famous writer, William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616). Stratford is famous in history for many old buildings from the Middle Ages. Our aim is to altract you to explore our lovely town following streets thut Shakespeare would have known and would still recognize.

Stratford-upon-Avon has been a market town since before Shakespeare's day. It was

asmall river crossing until it received its legal status s a town in 1196. The original crossing was elose to the site of Clopton Bridge, one of the oldet bridges in the country. After 500 years, the bridlge sill bears tafe,which speaks of the great skill of the original builders. Today, we sill have a flourishing market, held on Fridays and Saturdays. The town is also host to many other art markets throughout the year.

The Royal Shakespeare Company, one of the most famous acting companies in the world, is loeated here. The theater provides pefomances of Sakesear' s plays. It also has many performing works from across the centuries and many contemporary pieces as well. If you are lucky 。you will see many a famous face wandering through the town or enjoying a drink after plays in one of our many bars.

You may enjoy a boat trip on the river or a visit to the Butterly Farn, one of the largest of its kind in Europe, which has colletions of many extraorlinary inseets. An enjoyable time may be had in the Brass Rubbing Center (黄铜拓印技艺中心),which promises that great skills are not required to produce an unusual souvenir of your visit. The center of the town has many small shops and galleries.

We hope you enjoy your risit to our much-loved lown and that you will come back again.

44. What can be inferred about Statford-upon-Avon?

A. It has served as an art market since Shakespeare's day.

B. Its market is closed on Saturday mornings.

C. Its streets have remained nearly the same over the centuries.

D. It gained its legal status as a town in Shakespeare's day.


45. Which place should you visit if you want to observe wonderful insects?

A. Brass Rubbing Center.

B. Royal Shakespeare Company.

C. Butterfly Farm.

D. Clopton Bridge.


46. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. To inform visitors of the places to buy souvenirs.

B. To associate Stratford-upon-Avon with Shakespeare.

C. To atracl visitors to travel in Stratford-upon-Avon.

D. To introdluce the history of Stratford-upon-Avon.


47. Where is the passage most probably taken from?

A. A novel.

B. A tourist guide.

C. A product catalog.

D. A biograply.


Passage Four

My boyfriend really enjoyed canoeing (划独木舟), and it took me a while to finally persuade him to take me on a canoe trip. Despite his great skill, he was nervous about my safety and described many terrible situations that could happen. "They could also not happen," I said. I wanted to prove that I was tough and capable of adventuring.

This would be a romantic adventure. We would row the canoe on the lake under a beautiful blue sky. I was confident it would all go accordling to plan.

I did not go as planned. Instead, it all went downhill. We hit a headwind (逆风). The flies were the worst. An unknown animal outside our tent in the night forced us to get up twice to scare it away.

We walked through knee-deep mud; we moved around so many fallen trees that we lost the way frequently. We had an unexpected thunderstorm on our second night. We hid in our tent from the bugs(虫子), too tired and bitten to even hold each other, When we were finally back in the car, my skin was bot and angry with bug bites, I had barely slept in 72 hours and I had an injury on my forehead from hitting it on the canoe.

Yet I realized that I wanted to do it all again. Because I swam ina lake so warm it felt like a summer pool. I ate lunch on an island with the most beautiful pine trees. I' d also never before appreciated how thunder can make the ground tremble. I know why my boyfriend loves canoeing so much. It' 8 for the challenge, the space , and the beauty of moving fonward wit your own two hands in a place of natural wonder. He didn'tlsay“I love you." He said I was a god partner. I've found something that I really like to do. That' 8 the more important thing.

48. Why did the wrier want to have a eanoe trip with her boyfriend?

A. To wait for a proposal of marriage.

B. To prove she was tougher than her boyfriend.

C. To show she had basic life skills.

D. To prove her ability to meet challenges.


49. What does the sentence "it all went dowhil" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. We rolled down the hill in the wind.

B. Our eanoe was turmed upside down.

C. Things became worse than expected.

D. Things were brought under control.


50. Which of the fllowing happened during their canoe trip?

A. They became angry with each other.

B. They were wounded by a wild animal.

C. They held each other to keep warm in the tent.

D. They often lost their way in the forest.


51. What would be the best tile for the passage?

A. An Exciting Forest Adventure

B. An Extraordinary Canoe Trip

C. Canoeing- -An Outdor Sport

D. A Place of Natural Wonder


Passage Five

Health eare exets have long drawn atention to the poblems of eating too much sal. There is strong evidence that a diet ligh in salt can lead to raised blood pesure. Since high blood presure isa major factor in heart disease, it makes sense to cut down on the salt people eat.

In the past, food contained very litle salt, and people added i to their food at the table. Very few pecople add salt this way nowadays. However, the salt content of processed foods has gone up dramatically. It' s now estimated that over thee-quarters of the salt in the average diet comes from processed foods, eaten withoul our being aware of it.

Salt is added to food parly to extend shelf-life, but more often it's dropped in to make up for the flavor lost in the manufacturing process. This is especially true of ready meals and highly processed foods, but it's also true of such basic food as biscuits, soups, and even bread. Much mass-produced bread, for instance, contains so much salt-half a gram for every hundred grams of bread- -that it' s ofcially classified by the UK govemment as high- salt food. Salt has to be added to the bread because fast production cuts down the time for the flavor to develop. Without added salt, the bread would taste like paper.

In the UK, the govermment has launched a campaign to cut down on the salt people eat. The UK Food Standards Ageney argues that nearly hal of the UK's population eat too much sal- 9.Sg a day on average. Its aim is to bring down the average to 6g a day. The idea is to cut the salt content in 85 key food categories such as bread, meat, and cakes.

52. What is the main reason for reducing salt in food?

A.To improve the flavor of food,

B.To derease the time for procesing food.

C. To extend the shel-life of food.

D.To protect people against heart diseases.


53. What can be infered about people' s use of salt in the past!?

A. People used salt to control blood pressure.

B. People ate much salt in their average diet.

C. People were clear about the harmful flfet of salt.

D. Pople da' cau s much sal s we do lay.


54. Which of lhe flowig is casied as high-sal food by the UK government?

A. Mass-produced bread.

B. Light-cooked meat.

C. Swee biscuits.

D. Fresh vegetables.


55. What is the passage mainly about?

B. Sal and people' s liestste

A. Salt and food flavor.

C. Ssalt and food procesing.

D. Ssalt and people' 8 health.


V. Dally Cnestion(15 poins)

Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A.I am free on Sunday.

B. See you then!

C. Where are you planning to go?

D. No, thanks.

E.I need a break !

F. Would you like to join us?

G. That is a lovely place.

H. When shall we leave?

Daniel: How are you doing, Linda?

Linda: To be honest, I am really tired of my

work at the momnent._ 56

Daniel: My friends and I are planning a trip on Sunday._57

Linda: Sure, I'd love to._ 58 .

Daniel: The Golden Beach. We will have a picnic there. It will be fun!

Daniel: Eight o' clock in the morming. We' l1 pick you up at your place.

Linda: Great!_ 60


VI. Writing(25 points)

Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100 - 120 words based on

the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.

61.学校将组织一次英语演讲比赛,打算邀请外教(John)来做评委。请你( Li Yuan)给他写一封 e-mail,内容包括:

●邀请他担任评委(judge) ;



